Where Is The Love? | Sustainababy

Where Is The Love?

February is the time love is in the air.

There’s been a lot of focus on love in the past week. But as busy, eco-conscious mums, what often gets neglected….. is self love!

So I truly hope you take the time to nurture and pamper yourself, considering the glue that is often holding our families together- is us! As the flight attendants always tell us, you need to ‘put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others, including children’ but it’s so easy to burn the candle at both ends, fall in a heap and feel like there’s nothing left to give. Then the resentment and overwhelm well and truly kicks in.

I must admit I’m still not great at looking after myself. There’s always something else that takes priority so this year, I decided to create bite-size self care moments. I have an app reminder that notifies me to count 3 breaths at 11am each day. Surprisingly, it really helps ground me and remind me to be in the moment. Because no matter where I am or what I’m doing, I can mindfully take just 3 breaths. For new mums, the advice of ‘sleep when your baby sleeps’ is commonly advised but rarely practiced. Indulge in an afternoon nap, your body & mind will thank you.

Exercise is another great way to look after ourselves.  Mum & baby classes are popping up everywhere- Yoga classes, Kanga training- which involves a baby carrier exercise class so no childcare is needed, Physio postnatal classes or just getting out walking. Exercise will definitely get your endorphins going. These powerball champion hormones have an amazing effect on the body, providing that all important ‘feel good’ factor. There’s also lots of adult/mum classes gaining momentum- from ballet to hip hop to tap dancing classes, or just reconnecting with what you used to enjoy when you were younger or B.K (before kids).

To nourish the mind & spirit listening to podcasts is a great way to get inspired & educated at the same time. The Wellness Couch have a great selection of podcasts, it’s like having a radio station where you can choose your show depending on your mood, anytime you like. My favourite shows at the moment are Up For A Chat &  Nourishing the Mother.

I’d love to hear your favourite self-love rituals. In the words of the ever inspiring Kim Morrison, founder of the Twenty8  Aromatherapy range, “self care is not selfish, it’s essential”.



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