What is a bunny rug? | Sustainababy

What is a bunny rug?

If you’re anything like me, your vocabulary increased a good ten percent when you became pregnant. I started speaking the secret language of mothers with terms such as vernix, pre-eclampsia, nucal translucency, colostrum and Braxton Hicks making their way into my everyday conversations.

In fact, it seemed for a while there that each new trimester brought along a whole swag of words I needed to learn before my next scan, much like a spelling list at school. Passing with flying colours, I remember reading the hospital check list in my (very) pregnant state and wondering what on earth constituted a bunny rug.

Since launching Sustainababy, I have been asked that exact question by many an expectant mum and will provide my best answer for you here.

A bunny rug is a small, lightweight blanket used for wrapping a young baby. Traditionally made of cotton, it generally has a little stretch and is warmer than a muslin wrap. Bunny rugs have many uses including placing over the pram / bassinet to help your newborn settle, lining a change mat, draping over your shoulder to collect any milk spits or simply just placing on the floor so baby has a clean place to lay. In my mind, they are pretty much as essential baby item.


Doting ‘Gunny’ cuddling a two-week old Matthew in his favourite Purebaby bunny rug

Sustainababy stocks a wide selection of bunny rugs including the beautifully soft Purebaby organic cotton bunny rugs (personal recommendation!) and the Green Bean bamboo baby blanket.

Now here’s something to set you on a wild rabbit chase…..

Simply find out where the term ‘bunny rug’ originated from and comment below and you will WIN a bunny rug of choice from our store. Your answer must have a traceable reference. Good luck!

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